New paper in eNeuro
Justin's Master thesis has been published in eNeuro! Read here for more details of his findings.

SfN meeting in 2018
We had two posters this year. Justin showed that the ramping network activity in the mPFC signals the behavioural relevance of events....

Justin successfully transferred to the Ph.D. program
On Feb 12th, Justin successfully passed the transfer exam and moved up to the Ph.D. program. Congratulations!. In the past two years,...

New lab and better productivity?
During the past two years, the building where our lab is located has been under a major renovation. And after three years since the...

SfN Meeting 2017
We had two posters this year. Justin debuted in the SfN meeting with a poster showing that the enhanced activation of prefrontal...

Stephanie Tanninen, Ph. D.
Congratulations, Stephanie for successfully defending her Ph. D. thesis! Her thesis provided novel insight into functional consequences...

Another paper in eLife! Collaboration with the Frankland Lab
We have another paper published in eLife which demonstrated the necessary of ripple-spindle couplings for systems consolidation of...

Another paper in eLife
The context in which an event occurs plays a large role in how the brain understands and responds to the event. While a key part of...

New paper published in Neurobiology of Aging
Stephanie's hard work finally bear fruit! By recording oscillatory neural activity in rats that mimicked brain abnormality in the...

Tag breezed through the transfer exam!
Tag has worked in the lab since he was the third year undergraduate student. Last week, he has successfully passed the exam for...