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Former postdocs
Nathan Insel, Ph.D.                   Assistant Professor at Wilfred Laurier University
Julien Volle, Ph.D.                     Research Scientist at Synapcell
Sergey Chekhov, Ph.D.
Former graduate students
Mark Morrissey, Ph.D.               Post-doctoral fellow in the Tonegawar lab at MIT
Stephanie Tanninen, Ph.D.        Behavioural Neuroscience Technician/Specialist, Biological Sciences Facility,                                                                                                    University of Toronto 
Xiao Tian (Tag) Yu, Ph.D.          Research Associate at Advanced Microscopy Facility at UHN
Justin Jarovi, Ph.D.
Navdeep Lidhar                        Graduate student in the Martin lab at the University of Toronto Mississauga
Seyed (Bardia) Nouriziabari       Student at Ryerson University 
Bohan Xing
Victoria Dawson

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